
Beboere på Nobelholmen 

Residents of Nobelholmen

God stil

[...]§4. ...Boremaskiner og andet støjende værktøj må ikke bruges efter kl. 20:00.

§5. Musikinstrumenter, musikanlæg, radio og TV m.v. må ikke være til gene for ejendommens øvrige beboere og må almindeligvis ikke bruges i tidsrummet kl. 24:00-06:00. [...]

Tidspunkterne gælder også om sommeren, samt når man holder almindelige fester og de særlige fester. 

Mission of the "Beboerrepræsentation"

Support the process of establishing the building and surrounding areas as the best possible living space for all residents.

Tenants under DEAS are members of LLO

LLO is a tenants union supporting tenants. LLO's services are available to you as tenants of DEAS, simply mention your address when contacting them. FSB are awesome and don't seem to need external assistance...
We are member 5005924

Administrative issues with DEAS Administration

Resolved Issues

Maintenance issues with DEAS Facility Management

Resolved Issues

Starting Feb-2023 ventilation equipment in the apartments is being serviced.
From Feb-2021 to Feb 2023 no service was being done and no formal change of the filters was being processed by Facility Management even tho the instruction manual states they require service every 6 to 12 months. Ventilation filters are to be replaced at least every 12 months and checked every 6 months

Starting March 2023 Cleaning of the main entry path in the DEAS basement areas has been initiated as NPV finally has requested the basement to function properly as a facility. On April 2023 the process of cleanup of lost bikes has been initiated and completed over the summer

Door locks in basement are inadequate and fall apart 
The extra Door way locks introduced in the fall 2021 are requiring manual operating for opening from the inside, they fall apart as they are not designed for high level of use and are not the right solution as they should not require the amount of manual operation for opening and closing for the user.
Especially the main bike room is completely inadequate as documented on December 21 jpg
DEAS are arguing that we should request the doors repaired upon break down, please assist in requesting these repairs continuously.

Bike ramp was established in September 2023 for the bike parking room, together with a replaced back and front door system, that are more heavy duty. The door at the bike ramp is automated meaning that problems of having doors not locking properly and allowing intruders in seems very improved.

Maintenance issues with DEAS Facility Management at owners association level

Issues related to E/F Engholmene, Byggefelt A, where representatives of tenants are a majority, and thereby Lejeloven § 19 should be upheld.

Resolved Issues

March 2023
Cleaning in the NPV owned areas is finally taking place. Not even after the incidents in Sept 21, Dec 21, May 22 and Sept 22 was any cleanup done. The 192 apartments + 25 from FSB (TR11) represent a vast majority of the users in the Owners association, (Lejeloven § 19) applies and as we represent a majority basic cleaning should be enforced from the level of the owners association. This ended up starting upon direct request by NPV due to the bikes being so overwelming that car parking had issues taking place with the new car park arrangment with free spots that NPV has introduced.

Water Pumps mismanagement has been rectified with several changes, including the re-wiring to the two pumps in the road that lead water of the island so the operate autonomously of each other and installation of two new larger pumps that include shredders on the intakes. 
Log of the issue: There are two main pumps pushing the waste water out of Nobelholm over the bridge these have been failling on the 1. Sept 21, 15. Dec 21, 2. May 22, 18. July 22 and 21. Sept 22 and resulted in all 5 cases with overflooding of the water system, the automated alarming failing and the incident being escalated once water was seen by the residents in the basement cellar rooms and in the toilets and sinks of the tenants in the lower apartments.

Repeating issues related to the sewer water repeating that we know how to get fixed without DEAS. 

Oct 2022
Fire safety equipment is now being serviced in all locations by Kemp and Lauritzen. Stickers have been setup to clearly show expected service dates. Log of issue: Service lights on Fire safety equipment are flashing they are not being serviced. (Video 12.aug 2022 the blink code can be looked up in the manual as missing service) as basic maintenance seems overlooked we also suspect missing inspection on most elements. In December 21 it was communicated that the change of owership involved all service agreements to be ended, in most cases it seems new ones have not been establed... as we do not have a two way open communication with DEAS it is unknown.

Feb 2022
Waste disposal situation a weekly cleaning visit is being done by ejendomsvirke and extra cardboard containers are present

Process and communication issues with DEAS Facility Management

Resolved Issues

Oct 2022
Communication from DEAS to tenants has been improved based on internal reorganisation within DEAS and weekly meetings with Nobelholm as topic across the different departments in DEAS. 

Recorded events of theft and vandalism

Please use Nabohjælp app for supporting the neighbourhood and getting notifications. 

Recorded vandalism events, not related to DEAS apart from maybe the broken access to the basement and broken entrance doors

Major Incidents with DEAS Facility Management

Resolved Issues

Photo documentation

15. Dec 21  

Photo documentation

2. May 22 

In late June 2022 it was suddenly communicated from DEAS that the water overflow is caused by tenants misusing toilets as garbage bins and not lacking over watch of the pump or failing maintenance. This communication was done shortly after the Resident Representation requested further information and action on the matter and suggested that the lack of due diligence in checking the pumps already meant DEAS could be held liable as this no longer could be regarded as a insurance covered "sudden damage" once it hits us for a fourth time within the upcoming months. 

18. July 22 - Flooding under the car ramp (Photo documentation)

23. August 22 - Planned power cut from Radius 7-11  / (did not result in water pump failures as we know) 

21. September 22

This last event marks a year since the original incident occured, with sewer water in the basement, the information gathered on this last event  was by the Tenants Representation being on site and being allowed to participate in this discussion. This information was shared with NPV reprentative that would communicate the input further into DEAS. 


We finally succeed in an approval for new pumps with shredder in December of 22, with some weeks of delivery.
On the 14th of February 2023 the new pumps were installed!

The wiring has also been redone so that the pumps are operating with dedicated power supplies and cannot stop each other. 

Questions or ideas?